
Click on the correct answer.


Which of these can be a benefit following a volcanic eruption?

The passageway that allows the magma to flow from the vent to the crater
is known as ________________.

Energy that is created as a result of geothermal activity
is known as _____________________.

Iceland was formed when the Eurasian Plate and North American Plate _________________________________.

This is an example of a mid-ocean range of mountains.

The large cavity deep in the Earth’s crust that holds magma
is known as _____________________________.

Underwater volcanoes can build up over time to rise above the ocean
and form ___________________.

Layers of material that are deposited around a vent build up to form a __________.

What best describes volcanoes that erupt frequently?

Magma which is forced onto the surface of the Earth is known as ______________.